Monday 10 May 2010

Monday 10th May 2010

I may have neglected this site in the last three months, but the exciting events of the last few days have been enough to get me out of blogosphere hibernation.

In the last hour it has been announced that Gordon Brown will resign as leader of the Labour party. As a recently paid up member of the party I can only see this as being a good thing. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for Gordon. He has capably managed the economic crisis over the last couple of years and his financial knowledge and experience have ensured the grim situation hasn't been much worse. But after a clear defeat in last week's general election(though once again, it could have been much worse), to carry on as Prime Minister would not be right. As for standing down as Labour leader, I would be happy for him to stay on temporary to ensure some stability, but he has to step aside if we are to herald in a new era dubbed "Next Labour".

There are a number of individuals, such as the Miliband brothers and Douglas Alexander, who I have faith in to pick the party up from last week's defeat and for this to happen Gordon had to honourably stand down. Alan Johnson is another contender, but after his decision to sack chief drug advisor David Nutt last year I question his judgement and what he may do if a member of the Cabinet strongly disagrees with him. Harriet Harman is also an option, but after watching her recent performances as a stand in Prime Minister's Questions I'm not sure she has it in her and Ed Balls may be seen as too Brownite.

Of course its very early days yet, but if either Miliband brother stands in the contest they will most probably get my approval. If both David and Ed decide to stand against each other, however, then that is a much tougher choice...

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